Are you the Perfect Man?

“The Complete Man must work, Study and Wrestle” – Aristotle

One important quality of being that perfect man is to fulfil duties perfectly. Duties as a good son, husband, father, lover, employee, brother, friend, and be a role model for all these figures. The 21st Century man is both civilized and modern in his thoughts. His armour constitutes his behaviour, etiquette, habits, physique, identity, charm, agility, and strength.

Does that make man perfect?

Different roles in life demand being physically, mentally, and emotionally fit.

Physical fitness:

Some habits are crucial to physical health. Whether at work or during stressful times with a family to look after, feeling on top of the world does not come easy without a few basics a man needs to follow:

  • Eating balanced, nutritious meals and avoiding all junk and processed foods.
  • Having a regular exercise regimen and setting goals to achieve and progress.
  • Knowing when to relax and taking breaks that rejuvenate the body.
  • Take up a sport that you can physically perform and reach higher health goals.

Mental well-being:

Choosing wisely, and investing in a caring company keeps one mentally sound. Social pressures amount to fears and, in turn, cause health issues. Mentally challenging oneself to grow in aspects of well-being comes from investing time and building meaningful relationships. A few others are below:

  • Work in a stress-free environment or find means to relieve stress better still.
  • Find ways to grow your knowledge and keep yourself abreast with current affairs.
  • Start a healthy hobby or a side hustle that drives your passion and build on it.
  • Develop relationships that allow you to share your fears, goals, and expectations.

Emotional well-being: –

Men do not easily express feelings or emotions. Except when they are happy or angry, one can never nail the emotional status of men. Stress runs deep. Anxiety and depression rarely show outward. Men tend to hide them very well from the outside world. Some advice you can follow is listed below:

  • Surround yourself with a family that supports and cares for you always.
  • Care for your partner and your family, and show them the love and care you would like to receive from them.
  • Invest in friends and a social circle to which you can trust and relate.
  • Develop healthy habits and find exciting hobbies that keep you emotionally engaged and fulfilled.
  • Engage with mentors that can guide you where you feel lost or unsure.

If you are looking for perfection, you may not be content! Take Charge! Take the time to create a good balance in Life! Take stock of your mental and emotional health whenever you feel low or depressed.

A good diet, exercise, and ways to relieve stress are essential in the current times; never compromise on these. Supplement where necessary- whether food or natural aids harmonize your well-being and help you perform. Adaptogens are known to help with general well-being and relieve stress. Ginseng is a valuable root that men can use for its effective role in alleviating daily stress and improving performance.

Acha Maoni

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