Self-Care in Men: Its Importance and simple ways to achieve and Make it Normal

Productivity is most of the time emphasized over self-care, health, and happiness.

It doesn’t stop there; when people are busy, self-care is considered an afterthought. A special treat rather than an essential component of our lives and a necessary means of maintaining our health.

And because of gendered standards, it is frequently perceived as something that just applies to women rather than to everyone, including men. 

Men are always thought to have energy that lasts day and night, but is that always the case?

What is self-care

The efforts we take to safeguard and enhance our bodily and mental health are referred to as self-care. It takes time and effort and is more than simply pampering ourselves.

Self-care is sometimes associated with the odd spa day; however, this is incorrect.

As part of this popular self-care aesthetic, Instagram and Pinterest are flooded with pictures of individuals wearing fluffy robes and face masks. However, this stereotypical way of thinking of a well-planned form of self-care may take away from its essential components.

Simple things like saying “no” to more work assignments when your workload is too much to handle. Or even, talking to friends or family when you’re having mental health issues are simple examples of self-care. 

Additionally, it can involve consuming more fruits and vegetables, taking frequent strolls, and scheduling necessary doctor visits. It might also entail creating a sleep schedule or focusing on what you enjoy and who you are.

All of them are significant, but there are even more

Gender perspectives on self-care

Research reveals that there are still gendered differences in who practices self-care, despite the increased emphasis on the necessity of doing so.

 According to psychotherapist and Counselling Directory member Philip Karahassan, a societal demand for men to stay strong is linked to the idea of having everything under control.

As a result, if men display any weakness or need to take care of their mental health, they are perceived as weak. Unrealistic and unhealthy expectations are placed on men to maintain composure, carry on, and take criticism in stride. 

The prevailing idea is that we must always be productive in a culture where people demand putting in long hours. 

However, this is impossible when we have to balance work with personal obligations like childcare while being tugged in many different directions. 

But it is possible to lessen some of the pressures of daily life by taking some time off to indulge in self-care activities. Which can significantly improve mental health, aid in stress management, and lessen the symptoms of anxiety and depression. 

More work, however, must be done to normalize and destigmatize men’s mental health issues, according to Karahassan. “There has been a stigma among men seeking support for their mental health. 

More work is required to understand the physiology of how mental health affects both behavioral and physical changes in the brain.

Men, like everyone else, need to recognize that seeking mental health treatment can have a physical and psychological impact.

Importantly, self-care is not the same as selfishness or self-indulgence. It entails looking after yourself so that you may look after others while remaining healthy, functional, and able to do the things you want and need to do. 

Given the ongoing effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on our health and well-being, this is especially crucial right now. 

Why is self-care vital for men?

There has never been a more crucial time to normalize self-care among men than now. According to Biomed Central, men commit suicide at a rate three times higher than women. (a male-to-female ratio of 3:1 )

Only 36% of referrals to the National Library of Medicine talking therapies go to men, making them less likely than women to use psychological therapies.

Although self-care may not be able to cure mental health issues like depression or anxiety, it can help people become more aware of and understand their unpleasant emotions and ideas. 

Taking care of oneself also promotes resilience, the development of healthy routines, and coping skills. 

Without self-care, men’s emotional states deteriorate. They start to feel hopeless about their situation, and in the worst situations, they begin to consider suicide.

We are genuinely saving lives by normalizing men’s self-care and transforming society to accept men’s vulnerability and mental health. 

How to take care of yourself

Depending on their needs, everyone’s definition of self-care varies. However, you can take some broad actions to feel better.

Talk to reliable family and friends to improve self-care

Talking to people you trust can help you process your feelings and difficulties and significantly positively impact your emotions. 

Sometimes you simply need to express your feelings without having any concrete solutions in mind. Other times, talking to friends or family can give you new insight into a situation.

Whether professionally or not, speaking with someone is a significant step toward gaining emotional space from your problems. 

Be kind to yourself

It’s easy to overwork yourself or agree to see too many people when you actually want to rest at home. There may be pressure to always be active and accessible, but it’s crucial to assess your feelings and what you need to be healthy.

Be gentle to yourself; understand that feeling the way you do is perfectly normal. You are just as much of a man as you think you are. 

Visit your physician when necessary.

Self-care encompasses more than just the things that individuals do for their well-being.

 A self-care approach was published in 2019 by researchers in The British Medical Journal, emphasizing that it also considers how we engage with healthcare systems.

So, getting vaccinated, planning routine health checks, if necessary, or taking prescribed medications on time are all examples of self-care.

It also entails getting professional assistance for mental health issues, whether it be through counseling or talking to your doctor. 

Make minor lifestyle adjustments

Minor daily adjustments can have a significant effect on our well-being. It could be sticking to a regular eating schedule or improving your “sleep hygiene” to help you feel more rested. Although maintaining these care routines is not always simple, it becomes easier with time as they become routine behaviors. 

Try adaptogens to enhance self-care

Stress is unavoidable in a chaotic environment, and while we are still searching for a solution, groping in the dark. not sure of how to tackle the stress giant in the house.

Adaptogens joined the conversation.

It’s no secret that stress can wreak physical havoc on the body (poor energy, decreased sexual drive, and insomnia, to name a few).

However, adding adaptogens to your wellness regimen is a simple and practical approach to reverse these harmful effects.

Ginseng is one of the most well-known and well-liked adaptogens for males. In addition to being a fantastic herb, Panax ginseng has qualities that specifically assist men in controlling their cortisol levels, one of the stress hormones.

Panax ginseng also constructs DHEA (testosterone), a sex hormone thought to improve male virility and enhances energy that lasts all day.

Men, join the Self-Care Train

We must keep in mind that self-care is essential for promoting a healthy mind and for rejuvenating our souls since there is no denying that men’s self-care is highly underrated even as their stress levels continue to soar.

What was formerly considered to be something that wasn’t intended for males has evolved into a way of life for the modern man. You need to be mentally clear to succeed and reach your best potential. 

Acha Maoni

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